Let’s Talk About Pooping…

Let’s Talk About Pooping…

Okay, let’s talk about pooping. Yep, you read that right but it’s not what you think. I’m not going to talk to you about how your diet effects your bowel movements or try to tell you about the latest cleanse. What I’m wanting to talk about is the amount of time people...
I Choose You

I Choose You

“I choose you”. A friend and I were having a conversation today and this came up and it instantly became so apparent to me that people do not put enough emphasis on that statement. Sure we love each other and that’s great and it can be powerful but...
Every Day Matters

Every Day Matters

It’s funny how one day can hold so many highs and so many lows. How you can have the best morning, have good conversations, and have exciting things happen but then have an utterly trying afternoon. One that makes you want to crawl under a hole. This morning I...


Patterns. They’re a tricky thing…Something we do each time a certain situation presents itself in our lives. Something that is our “normal” reaction. But not like shivering when you’re cold kind of reaction, like drastic, sometimes life altering reactions that...


That’s it… I need an UPGRADE. I need more people in my life that are actually DOING SHIT, not just talking about it. I feel like I have 20 conversations everyday where someone tells me what they “need to do” or meant to do. And it’s like...