You Are Not An Island

You Are Not An Island

Sometimes I feel like things are just swirling around me. Like there’s no place for it to land. Like there is always a judgement or agendas attached to it all. Or more like I’m combating that and working to debunk them all as they arise. You may have heard me...
Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Want Unlimited Inspiration?

Be your own motivation. I feel like it’s far too rare that we acknowledge our own successes, our own strengths, our own magic, our own glow, our own beauty, our own purpose. We look outside of ourselves for too much. We’re always searching for answers, for...


Something I do every day like clock work is look at my history. The memories on Facebook are cool and I like to see them and be motivated by my own previous content but man, my history on Snapchat stories is where it’s at. 5 years ago, I decided to commit to...
Solid Foundation

Solid Foundation

This is why you create a solid foundation. At least it’s a visual reminder as to why.You create a solid foundation so that when life happens and you fall off the track for a bit, everything doesn’t go to shit. Real talk, my life took a super unexpected and...
It’s Been Four Years

It’s Been Four Years

It’s been four years since I followed that voice inside of me and left the body shop. I walked away from something I loved but something that had taken over my life in a way that was so unhealthy and filled it with toxicity that I couldn’t see straight. I...