by Jamie Thurber | Mar 7, 2017 | Be the Change, Independent Woman
I feel like I keep repeating this in my head daily; “Not everyone wants to see your light”. But that doesn’t mean you should let “them” keep you from shining. It’s not your job to MAKE them see, or keep them from covering their...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 2, 2017 | Inspiration, Who I Am
Secret about me: I’m that crazy dog mom. My furbabies act like humans and as far as I’m concerned, they are my children. Well, that might not really be a secret.. But I’m going to expose one here in just a minute…. They have birthdays. They go on visits with their...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 6, 2017 | Productivity Hacks
In the Get Shit Done Group we had a conversation about Home and Relationships. We talked about what kind of person we wanted to be for the people we love. What kind of person we were bringing to the table in our business relationships. Have you ever thought about...
by Jamie Thurber | Feb 4, 2017 | Inspiration, Life Hacks
Lately I just feel so CONNECTED. Connected on such a deeper level. Connected to myself, to the universe, to my purpose, to my clients, and to people I didn’t really think I would be connected to at all. It’s almost a little strange. But then again,...
by Jamie Thurber | Jan 4, 2017 | Be the Change, How It Is.
2016 was about Conquering and Discovery. 2017 is about Shining and Consistency. To me, shining means staying centered in me, in my purpose and my message. Shining means following my instincts, sharing my story, sharing my wins, sharing my struggles, sharing...