How Did I Do All This?

How Did I Do All This?

How did you get so good at writing? How did you start your business? How did you gain muscle? How did you create an audience? How did you start making money online? How did you get organized? How did you clear up your skin? How did you create inner peace finally? How...
Be Proud of Your Body

Be Proud of Your Body

You’re allowed to be proud of your body. In fact, you SHOULD be proud of your own body. Especially if it’s something you’ve had to fight to build. You see, I’ve always been the skinny girl. Like unhealthily skinny. I wasn’t unhappy with...
Healthy Weight

Healthy Weight

Yesterday I weighed in at 130.8 and screamed with excitement. You see, 2 years ago I started this journey to healthy and 130 was my ideal “healthy weight” but I wanted to build it on. Not like I really had any choice in the matter. I always hovered around...
Multiple choice

Multiple choice

“The 10 commandments aren’t multiple choice”. I was driving down the street a couple days ago and saw that written on a sign in front of a church. I immediately thought, “That goes the same for Core 4”. It’s not a multiple choice...