

Liberation LIBERATION I’ve never used a podcast episode to talk about one of my latest creations before… I rarely do it inside of a blog post like this either. For whatever reason it didn’t feel right. Like I was cheating you out of something if I didn’t spend...
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

MERCURY RETROGRADE Maybe it’s something that you see people posting about from time to time and you’re not really sure what they’re talking about. Or maybe it’s something you fear and it puts you into a freeze pattern while it’s happening. Or maybe you’re like me and...
Stay Grounded

Stay Grounded

STAY GROUNDED The most defining moments of your life will be dictated by one thing…Your ability to stay grounded. The ability to stay grounded in the midst of chaos, during your most challenging times, and when you just don’t think you have any fight left in you. When...


SOBRIETY I quit drinking a couple of years ago. Being sober because I choose my health and mindset over anything else. To be clear I was never a ‘crack a beer’ at the end of the day, drink every weekend kinda gal to begin with but your girl could get down...
Crave More For Yourself

Crave More For Yourself

CRAVE MORE FOR YOURSELF You know, life won’t change unless you change it. I’m a firm believe that nothing changes, if nothing changes and that part is fully up to you. I totally understand that “everything happens for a reason,” and that’s true… but what if you...