by Jamie Thurber | Jul 18, 2016 | Independent Woman, Inspiration, Self Reflection, Who I Am
The important things stuck. I look back on the girl I was 10 years ago and yes, there’s a lot of differences in who I am now and who I was then… but the things that really matter, are still there. *My heart is still the same. Yes, it’s tougher. Yes, it’s wiser.. But...
by Jamie Thurber | May 31, 2016 | Inspiration, Who I Am
5 years ago I walked away from a life I never thought I’d be in. This past weekend marks the anniversary of when I finally stood up and said Enough is Enough. I remember sitting there thinking in the debris of the chaos of my “home”, thinking… “Who is this...
by Jamie Thurber | Mar 15, 2016 | Get Shit Done, Inspiration
Orville Wright didn’t have a pilot’s license. That didn’t stop him from making history. That didn’t stop him from following his dream. That didn’t stop him from pushing the status quo. What’s stopping you? Why haven’t you...