by Jamie Thurber | Jun 11, 2019 | Be the Change, Inspiration, Self Reflection
This weekend marks 8 years since I finally walked away (Originally written May 25). Man, sometimes it feels like 15 and other times it feels like it was an entirely different lifetime altogether. For years I would never admit this part to anyone that wasn’t...
by Jamie Thurber | Dec 12, 2018 | Health, How It Is.
Happiness is a choice. I say that a lot and people who battle depression and/or anxiety tell me I’m wrong. That the choice of happiness is out of their control. Being someone who deals with anxiety, I understand how much more difficult it is to flip your mindset...
by Jamie Thurber | Nov 29, 2018 | Self Reflection
“I have some news”. I started a few conversations that way recently and then immediately realized that statement made it sound like I was about to tell someone I was pregnant… Which I am not so I quickly had to make that point clear which made it a little...
by Jamie Thurber | May 10, 2016 | Get Shit Done, Inspiration
That anxious feeling creeps in, “Am I missing something?” We’ve all had it….That feeling that even though we busted our asses all day, maybe we missed something…. Maybe we didn’t respond to that one client… Maybe we didn’t send that invoice… Did...