Control What You Can Control

Control What You Can Control

Control what you can control. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the past few years was to stop letting shit that was out of my control upset me. It’s not an easy switch to make but it’s one that will literally set you free. You see, you...


“You are such an amazing example of a fierce, gentle leader”. I received that comment in a message the other day and I am so in love with that statement. You see, a few years ago I made a massive commitment to myself that I would never be fake. That I...
How I Start My Day

How I Start My Day

What do you start your day with each morning? Me? >Puppy snuggles because they make my heart happy and once the day gets going, I don’t always have a chance to stop and snuggle them when they want it. >Journaling to clear my mind and get my creativity...
Strong Woman

Strong Woman

Being a strong woman who sticks to her morals, her desires, and doesn’t tone down what makes her who she is, isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s difficult most of the time. Because most people don’t understand you. And most people try to make you...
This Tattoo…

This Tattoo…

This tattoo was one of the best investments in myself I’ve ever made. Every time  I start to doubt what I’m doing or why I’m doing it, before my inner voice can even chime in to tell that shit to go on somewhere, I see my arm and remember...