

When your team becomes your family.  It’s been such an interesting ride in building a virtual business these past 6 years. I remember when the thought of working with a coach or subcontractor that I’d never met before felt so foreign, or temporary. Looking back I...
Break Yourself Free

Break Yourself Free

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. -Lao Tzo I learned a few years ago that the moment I stopped trying to “force” anything with anyone else and focused on mastering myself and only myself that everything… shifted. And I...
What You Track

What You Track

We all seem to want more of something… but maybe it feels like an empty desire. One that’s fun to say but doesn’t seem at all like it could ever be a reality. OR maybe it feels sad or discouraging because nothing ever seems to work out right. There’s never enough...


Have you ever wondered how a journal can be so valuable? How a pen and paper can be something that some put on such a high pedestal that it is proclaimed as one of their most valuable tools? Let’s flash back in time… this method has been being used by brilliant minds...


Accountability. It really is the key everyone is looking for. Its just not the fake, easy, extra shiny and glittery kind you can buy off the shelf on your way out the store like blame is. If everyone would stop trying to point fingers, blame others, or try to find...