

The next two weeks are going to be hectic. Well, they have the potential to be. I have to pack up my life for 14 days to head to Tony’s. We have appointments, 2 formal events to attend, and all kinds of other things to get handled. Then I come home for 1 day...
Daily Writing

Daily Writing

One of the most powerful tools I’ve adopted into my daily plan is writing. I journal about what I’m grateful for to attract more of those things, to attract more abundance into my life. I journal my intentions for the day. How I will feel, what I will get...
Ladies, listen up

Ladies, listen up

Ladies, PLEASE TAKE NOTE. Stop teaching your daughters to hate other woman. They hear you compare yourself to other woman. They hear you hate on a chick because she’s too skinny or too fat or has the purse you want. They hear you downgrade someone because of...
Confessions of a hard gainer…

Confessions of a hard gainer…

Body shaming is definitely a hot topic in mass media today and it comes from past programming that’s been embedded in our brain to make us think and act a certain way about body image. We judge other people and are quick to come to conclusions about what we think...