Live Life On Purpose

Live Life On Purpose

Do you remember that scene in Sweet Home Alabama where Reese Witherspoon’s character is sitting in the coon dog cemetery and she looks up at Jake and tells him how she loves her life in New York but then she goes back to her home town and that just fits too?...
Love What You Do

Love What You Do

Let me tell you a story real quick. This is a conversation I had the other day… “Jamie, what are you working on right now?” ‘Oh you know, just business stuff’ “Ya, but like what?” –takes a deep breath– ‘Ummm...
Keep Shining

Keep Shining

I feel like I keep repeating this in my head daily; “Not everyone wants to see your light”. But that doesn’t mean you should let “them” keep you from shining. It’s not your job to MAKE them see, or keep them from covering their...