How you do one thing

How you do one thing

How you do one thing, is how you do all things. Think about it. Do you empty the trash when it’s overflowing? Or just add to the pile and leave it for later? Or hope someone else comes along and empties it? Do you get up when your alarm goes off? Or how you hit...
Fake vs. Authentic

Fake vs. Authentic

Fake vs. Authentic.   I’ve realized recently that the word AUTHENTIC means so much more than most people understand.   I overheard this  conversation while standing in line at the store… “She’s so fake, her hairs not really even blonde”   And...
Gravity and Wine

Gravity and Wine

Everything they told you about your late 20’s is true. Gravity will move your ass into a spot that you are NOT okay with.  You’ll understand what people were talking about when they said “teacher arms” and totally get grossed out when you wave and feel your arm...