

Transparency. That should be a large part of your best practice. Be up front about what you want Be honest about what you expect Whether you’re running a business or building a relationship, do yourself and everyone around you a favor and BE TRANSPARENT about...


Act from a place of alignment In your business In your life If it doesn’t feel good If it doesn’t suit you If it doesn’t serve you Don’t do it. Because when you fill up your time and space with things that don’t serve you or that feel...
The answer 

The answer 

I am grateful for the FREEDOM. When it all comes down to it, that’s what I’ve always been looking for. Freedom to be what I want. Freedom to do it when I want to. To say what I want, be who I want, spend what I want, go wherever I want and answer to no one....
Think for yourself

Think for yourself

Think for yourself…. “At least once a day, allow yourself the freedom to think and dream for yourself” – Albert Einstein. I saw this quote this morning and it made me think back to a day where I never thought about ME. I never thought about myself,...