Control What You Can Control

Control What You Can Control

Control what you can control. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the past few years was to stop letting shit that was out of my control upset me. It’s not an easy switch to make but it’s one that will literally set you free. You see, you...
The Gym

The Gym

I remember a time when going to the gym was the last thing I ever wanted to do. When cancelling a training session was always an option when my day was going bad or I wasn’t feeling well. Oh how things have changed… Now, the worse the day, the worse I...
How I Start My Day

How I Start My Day

What do you start your day with each morning? Me? >Puppy snuggles because they make my heart happy and once the day gets going, I don’t always have a chance to stop and snuggle them when they want it. >Journaling to clear my mind and get my creativity...


The truth is: it happens to the best of us. We all have days that are just hard. Moments where it all just weighs down at the same time & simply feels HEAVY. When you’re passionate about what you do & are committed to living your life your way, you pour...
Relationship With Your Phone

Relationship With Your Phone

The relationship you have with your phone when you’re single is very different than it is when you’re not. Or at least it should be… Phone and social media usage is a struggle that I think is very different when you’re single and live alone. Think about it, there are...


10 hours in the car, lots to unpack and put away before jumping into a little work before I can finally go to bed after what feels like the longest day ever. I knew I barely had anything in the fridge because I was gone for 10 days so I cleaned it out before I left. I...