Shine The Light

Shine The Light

Sometimes it really hurts when the people around you don’t grow with you. It can hurt your heart to hear that someone is stuck in a place of pain or resentment or unable to open themselves enough to move forward. People change. I used to think that line was bullshit....


Upstander: A person who stands up for his or her beliefs. A person who does what they think is right, even if they are alone. A person who is not a bystander. As I was getting all settled in and cozy in my seat on the plane, heading to yet another exciting adventure...


Transparency. That should be a large part of your best practice. Be up front about what you want Be honest about what you expect Whether you’re running a business or building a relationship, do yourself and everyone around you a favor and BE TRANSPARENT about...
You are making an impact..

You are making an impact..

Dear Entrepreneur, I want to encourage you, DON’T STOP SHARING! Your posts don’t get tons of likes or comments. People aren’t screaming your praises all over their Facebook pages. It can be discouraging, I understand. I think we’ve all been there. PLEASE DON’T STOP...