

“YOU DIDN’T JUST WANT ATTENTION! YOU WERE JUST BEING YOU!” I was having a conversation with a long time friend who’s on his own journey of self-reflection and growth. A friend who is learning to get real with himself and turn shit around in his life. After...
This Little Light Of Mine

This Little Light Of Mine

Last week, I had some really deep realizations. I think that is what happens when you go down the rabbit hole of self discovery. Some people will surprise you. And some will not. Either way, it may make you question who you are… even if just for a second. Just...
Better Men

Better Men

To all of my friends who are waking up everyday, putting in the work to be better men: Immediately responding to someone asking a question or sharing their opinion with your “snowflake” related comment is actually doing the exact opposite. It does not make...
April Already?!

April Already?!

I woke up Saturday morning and realized it was already April. I mean, obviously I KNEW it was already April but it was like my eyes clicked open Saturday and I instantly thought “How are we already 3 months into 2017?” You see, I’ve been making moves...