Written in 2007 Hero: I sit there thinking about what you’re doing or where you are. it's almost enough to drive me crazy sometimes. i wish i could hear your voice whenever i feel the need. but your job is important so i understand. you know, "you're kind of a big...
Millions of Miles…
written in 2007ish.. Millions of Miles There are oceans in between us. Millions of miles. And so much time. I hate that you’re gone. I miss you so much. The distance kills me to think about. The next time I’ll hear your voice is a mystery to me, along with where you...
Random thought..
So, random thought. I've lived alone for about 6 months now, well me and my powerhouse boston terrier, Bonnie. and I honestly love it. Its pretty fantastic to have your own space, that's just yours. You can leave your stuff wherever you want it and no one can say a...
First one..
This is my first post. I made this blog in December... talk about procrastination. ya.. its an issue for me.. I'm trying to work through it. Ha! Well, I can not promise that this blog is always going to be the most 'politically correct' or well written piece of...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber