Intuition or crap?

Intuition or crap?

"I don't just listen to your words. I watch your face. I stare into your eyes. I check out your body language. I peep your tone. I make note of your use of words. I hear what you don't say. I interpret your silences.  Most importantly...I trust my intuition....

What Kind of Poster are You?

What Kind of Poster are You?

Oh the joys of social media. In my world, it is a necessary evil in order to be successful. Networking is how I keep up my business and drive to be more successful professionally and on a personal level. Although, I often find myself analyzing the different types of...

Here’s to the rise of the “Power Couple”

Here’s to the rise of the “Power Couple”

Independent woman; the concept is often misconstrued and even more often misrepresented. Independent women come in all shapes and sizes with various different traits that help to define them as being truly ‘independent’. But one thing I think that most of these woman have been faced with is men who claim to want an independent woman and then in the long wrong he can not at all handle the fact that she can truly handle things on her own. The concept that we do not need them is really not something that the majority of men can handle, no matter how much they claim that they love that trait about you. The idea of a woman wanting you to be a part of her life and wanting to share things with you just simply isn’t enough for some men and to each their own.

The House That Built Me

The House That Built Me

I’ve seen that red maple tree outside of my grandparents patio window a thousand times at its current size, yet each time I look at it I seem surprised that it’s so big. It seems like just yesterday my grandpa was putting the landscaping bricks around its base so my grandma could pants flowers around what was then, a very small tree.



And then sometimes, you stop what you're doing and rewind a show 3 times to hear what you think you heard. something that sounded exactly like a conversation you've had with your girl friends... things you've thought in your own mind on more than one occasion....

When it pours…

When it pours…

It's no secret that when things start happening in your life, it typically is all or nothing. Meaning, that whether its good or bad shit all hits the fan at the same time, everything tends to come into light at the same time, you are able to realize the truth about...



I’ve been thinking a lot these past few weeks, trying to step outside of the box and really evaluate where I am right now.. Life has presented me with a lot of big things lately, some a huge slap in the face and some that really made me be honest with myself. (health, work, family and relationships)

end rant.

end rant.

Is happiness with someone else in my life even an option for me? I cannot help but ask myself this….No matter what situation I allow myself to get involved in I always search for something that is wrong, something that makes me run away. but when there is a situation...

Damn pandora…

Damn pandora…

“I know you haven’t made your mind up yet but i would never do you wrong. I’ve known it since the first time that we met, there’s no doubt in my mind where you belong”

Maybe people are right, maybe i am used to getting my way.

red dress..

red dress..

Written in 2007 moment: she walks into the room, red dress flowing and sparkling with every step. she looks confident and beautiful as she slowly scans the room...looking for him. there he stands, against the wall. dressed in traditional pride from head to toe. the...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber