Entrepreneurs, Listen up!
Hey, I know a company that's hiring and you would be PERFECT for the position! ^^^ How many of you have received this call from a friend, family member, or old colleague? How do you respond? My expertise in the field I was in prior to becoming a full time lady boss is...
2015-Year of Discovery
Dear 2015,
Well, what can I say….you definitely were a raging bitch at times, but at others you were absolutely fabulous to me.
I will say that you consistently opened my eyes throughout the entire year.
I learned so much about myself, the people around me and my true purpose on this earth.
War Pants
So today. I woke up and put my war pants on.
Yes, I have war pants.
I’ve been hiding from life the past few days and kind of sitting in self doubt. But last night, I build a fire, no fire starter log, nothing to help it burn. Just me being stubbornly dedicated to getting this fire started… I went out into the yard and gathered twigs about 6 different times and sat there, feeding this fire until it was strong enough for me to put a log on…
She’s not ignoring you, she’s just busy adulting…
Plain and simple. Your friends are busy adulting and taking over the world, they are not ignoring you.
Here are some tips to help stay connected with your inner circle
Rome wasn’t built in a day..
"Rome wasn't built in a day and it sure as hell wasn't built by only one person" Flash back to one year ago today... I was cleaning up from hosting a huge community event for my previous employer. I remember thinking how proud of that event I was. We were expecting...
Can you handle the GRIND?
While listening to a podcast this morning I had a huge realization about something. You hear people talk about the "Grind" and assume that they are talking about the 12 hours that they put in at work that day, or the fact that they pushed themselves to go to the gym...
Never ending “To-Do” list?
“Example: I do a lot of field research for my business and as we all know, you can get lost in articles and blogs and Facebook pages, then the next thing you know its 3 hours later and you have 10 pages of notes but have not accomplished anything else that was on your list for the afternoon.”
Life is what happens between wi-fi signals…
Today I stopped for lunch at one of my favorite spots in town.. I chose this particular cafe because it's small and quiet and that's exactly what i needed to reflect on my busy morning. I walked in, placed my order and found my seat near the window so I could really...
own your imperfections
You've heard it before, and I'm sure you will hear it again but the saying is so true I can't help but repeat it. "Never judge someone, you don't know what battle they are silently fighting" This statement is so true for so many. I too fight a daily battle behind the...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber