Entrepreneurs, Listen up!

Entrepreneurs, Listen up!

Hey, I know a company that's hiring and you would be PERFECT for the position! ^^^ How many of you have received this call from a friend, family member, or old colleague? How do you respond? My expertise in the field I was in prior to becoming a full time lady boss is...

2015-Year of Discovery

2015-Year of Discovery

Dear 2015,

Well, what can I say….you definitely were a raging bitch at times, but at others you were absolutely fabulous to me.

I will say that you consistently opened my eyes throughout the entire year.

I learned so much about myself, the people around me and my true purpose on this earth.

War Pants

War Pants

So today. I woke up and put my war pants on.

Yes, I have war pants.

I’ve been hiding from life the past few days and kind of sitting in self doubt. But last night, I build a fire, no fire starter log, nothing to help it burn. Just me being stubbornly dedicated to getting this fire started… I went out into the yard and gathered twigs about 6 different times and sat there, feeding this fire until it was strong enough for me to put a log on…

Your mess is your message…

Your mess is your message…

“Your mess is your message”. I was listening to a podcast today and heard this phrase referenced many times throughout the segment. It really resonated with me on a whole other level. And I think that phrase really will hit home with so many difference types of people. Both entrepreneurs and individuals who are trying to be real and make a difference in this world.

Life is what happens between wi-fi signals…

Life is what happens between wi-fi signals…

Today I stopped for lunch at one of my favorite spots in town.. I chose this particular cafe because it's small and quiet and that's exactly what i needed to reflect on my busy morning. I walked in, placed my order and found my seat near the window so I could really...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber