How you do one thing

How you do one thing

How you do one thing, is how you do all things. Think about it. Do you empty the trash when it's overflowing? Or just add to the pile and leave it for later? Or hope someone else comes along and empties it? Do you get up when your alarm goes off? Or how you hit snooze...

What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you?

Orville Wright didn’t have a pilot’s license.

That didn’t stop him from making history.
That didn’t stop him from following his dream.
That didn’t stop him from pushing the status quo.

What’s stopping you?

Fake vs. Authentic

Fake vs. Authentic

Fake vs. Authentic.   I’ve realized recently that the word AUTHENTIC means so much more than most people understand.   I overheard this  conversation while standing in line at the store... “She’s so fake, her hairs not really even blonde”   And I...



Leap. So as you probably know, today is Leap day! Meaning that we are given an extra 24 hours this year, how exciting is that?  I mean, for the hustle obsessed, an extra 24 is a huge gift! Thanks Universe 😉

The Obsession is Real… Coconut Oil.

The Obsession is Real… Coconut Oil.

Coconut Oil, The Obsession is Real…. It is my #1 life hack. It’s my secret weapon. My answer to everything. Seriously. It all started about over a year ago when someone told me about using it in my coffee instead of creamer. Then I looked it up on Pinterest and the...

Gravity and Wine

Gravity and Wine

Everything they told you about your late 20’s is true.

Gravity will move your ass into a spot that you are NOT okay with.  You’ll understand what people were talking about when they said “teacher arms” and totally get grossed out when you wave and feel your arm fat move.

What about your supporters?

What about your supporters?

Haters. How often do you scroll through your Facebook and see someones post about people who are "hating on them" or trying to knock them off their success train? It happens more than it should. I myself have dealt with my fair share of Haters. Much more frequently...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber