Control. This one word has so many different meanings… I’ve always been the rebellious one. I’ve never liked to be told what to do or how I should act. I’ve always done whatever it is that I want to do, typically however I choose to do it. (Blame that on my father for...
What Living Life on Purpose Looks Like to me
A big part of "Living Life on Purpose" looks like this to me. Working from where ever I choose, whenever I choose to. The two most important things to me are FREEDOM AND IMPACTING PEOPLE Everything I produce every day and every action I take feeds into those two...
Transparency. That should be a large part of your best practice. Be up front about what you want Be honest about what you expect Whether you're running a business or building a relationship, do yourself and everyone around you a favor and BE TRANSPARENT about your...
Act from a place of alignment
In your business
In your life
Eyes on the Big Picture
Why do you work so much? Why are you married to your business? How is that REALLY worth it? Well first off... It’s more worth it than words can explain. Imagine being able to pour your heart into something and watch it actually work, actually become exactly what you...
You are making an impact..
Dear Entrepreneur, I want to encourage you, DON’T STOP SHARING! Your posts don’t get tons of likes or comments. People aren’t screaming your praises all over their Facebook pages. It can be discouraging, I understand. I think we’ve all been there. PLEASE DON’T STOP...
Who’s your worst critic?
You are your own worst critic. Get used to it but don’t let it stop you. We are all hard on ourselves….it happens.. And if you have an entrepreneurial brain, you know it happens daily. We are wired to never be satisfied with what we’ve...
The Important Things Stuck…
The important things stuck.
I look back on the girl I was 10 years ago and yes, there’s a lot of differences in who I am now and who I was then… but the things that really matter, are still there.
*My heart is still the same. Yes, it’s tougher. Yes, it’s wiser.. But the basis is still the same.
Could you imagine the difference in this world if everyone actually THOUGHT before they spoke? If people spoke from a place of integrity and realness. If everyone was honest and kind. “Be Impeccable With Your Word” Why your word? Because your word...
Is your schedule sucking the life out of you?
So you’re schedule SUCKS
You haven’t had time to enjoy your summer yet
You’re always scrambling to find enough time for EVERYTHING
You feel guilty when you have to sacrifice family time for work.
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber