Coffee Shop Hustle and Bustle

Coffee Shop Hustle and Bustle

Coffee shop hustle and bustle. I wonder if what it is about this place. Well, not this place in particular but the coffee shop atmosphere in general. No matter what town I’m in, I can walk into a coffee shop and the vibe is the same. There’s a creative energy in the...

Ladies, listen up

Ladies, listen up

Ladies, PLEASE TAKE NOTE. Stop teaching your daughters to hate other woman. They hear you compare yourself to other woman. They hear you hate on a chick because she's too skinny or too fat or has the purse you want. They hear you downgrade someone because of what they...

Confessions of a hard gainer…

Confessions of a hard gainer…

Body shaming is definitely a hot topic in mass media today and it comes from past programming that’s been embedded in our brain to make us think and act a certain way about body image. We judge other people and are quick to come to conclusions about what we think...

Feed Your Soul

Feed Your Soul

For as long as I can remember I would think about being somewhere else. I would envision myself on a beach somewhere, totally calm and totally at peace. Or sitting on the porch of a cabin looking out over a beautiful valley, breathing in crisp mountain air. One of my...

Getting Some Major Hustle On

Getting Some Major Hustle On

This is how I spent my day... Sitting fireside soaking up the ambiance of this beautiful fire and getting some major hustle on. While I spent the day writing, working on client projects, and writing out strategy for the next 60 days…. I was actually getting EVERYTHING...

I am an American

I am an American

Once upon a time I was the girlfriend of a deployed Marine. It was him. And me. That’s all that mattered in that, to what now feels like such a brief moment in time. In my heart, I knew he needed me, and I fully intended to be there as much as I possibly could as a...

Fitness Bullshit…

Fitness Bullshit…

I used to bullshit about fitness every day. Everyday it was written in my planner. "GYM" "CARDIO" "YOGA" I put it on the list Every. Single. Day. And every single day, I skipped it. I hit snooze. I moved up a client call. I had to run an errand I MADE EXCUSES. I...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber