Home and Relationships

Home and Relationships

In the Get Shit Done Group we had a conversation about Home and Relationships. We talked about what kind of person we wanted to be for the people we love. What kind of person we were bringing to the table in our business relationships. Have you ever thought about...

Being Connected

Being Connected

Lately I just feel so CONNECTED. Connected on such a deeper level. Connected to myself, to the universe, to my purpose, to my clients, and to people I didn't really think I would be connected to at all. It's almost a little strange. But then again, it's really not....

Leaders and Teams

Leaders and Teams

Running businesses you will always run into people that just don't work. And what I mean by that is, they don't do their job. They are full of excuses, they don't meet deadlines, and something tragic or life altering is always happening that stops them from...

Don’t Let Excuses Win

Don’t Let Excuses Win

8:00 on a Thursday night after the 2nd 12 work day in a row.. the LAST thing I wanted to do was lift. I don't normally work out at night. My trainer was busy so I'm solo. I am exhausted. My back is killing me. I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm out of post work...

Daily Writing

Daily Writing

One of the most powerful tools I've adopted into my daily plan is writing. I journal about what I'm grateful for to attract more of those things, to attract more abundance into my life. I journal my intentions for the day. How I will feel, what I will get done that...

Train For Life

Train For Life

Are you prepared for life? I refer to my gym sessions as “training”.. I'm not really sure why exactly but I do. It could be because I go with a Personal Trainer, or that I'm weight training. I never really thought of why honestly...but that's not really the point...



Growth is a never ending process. Just because you start seeing results, doesn't mean you've "made it" or can back off from the work you've been doing everyday to get to those results. The growth only continues if you do. It only keeps happy and sticks around as your...

Word of the Year

Word of the Year

2016 was about Conquering and Discovery. 2017 is about Shining and Consistency. To me, shining means staying centered in me, in my purpose and my message. Shining means following my instincts, sharing my story, sharing my wins, sharing my struggles, sharing...



All I've seen over the past week is people talking about how terrible 2016 was to them... here on my thoughts on that; I'm sure some bad shit happened to you in 2016, but what about the good shit? Are you so far removed from the present that you can't see the good...

As you head into the New Year…

As you head into the New Year…

A good coach picks you...not the other way around. A good coach doesn't just jump into a deal with you just because youre ready to pay them. They don't take your money before seeing if you're a good fit. A good coach is picky about who they choose to work with. Yes,...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber