

I get a lot of questions about how I journal, what do I write about, what do I say, how do I do it. Well, after thinking about that for a minute I realized that I write way more about how I want to feel, than what I want to “have”. I focus on how I want to feel each...

Let Yourself Have It

Let Yourself Have It

I’ve written before about daydreaming… about allowing yourself time every day to picture your life with the things you see in your dreams. Picturing life the way you “see it” when you’re talking about the vision you have for your life. Maybe when you think about it or...

Be The Change

Be The Change

A mother gets abused, her daughter sees it, she grows up to think that it's okay...thinking that behavior is okay. She swears she'll never be treated that way but then she does. She gets stuck in a situation and she's abused. She's reliving her moms "mistakes". The...

Keep Shining

Keep Shining

I feel like I keep repeating this in my head daily; "Not everyone wants to see your light". But that doesn't mean you should let "them" keep you from shining. It's not your job to MAKE them see, or keep them from covering their eyes. It's your job to stand in the...



The next two weeks are going to be hectic. Well, they have the potential to be. I have to pack up my life for 14 days to head to Tony's. We have appointments, 2 formal events to attend, and all kinds of other things to get handled. Then I come home for 1 day before...

Your Message

Your Message

Your message isn't what you "think" people want to hear. That fabricated message will do one of two things: -Fall on deaf ears because there is a large group of people who see through bull shit. OR -Cause you to have to put all of your energy into trying to keep up...

Hero of the Story

Hero of the Story

I’ve always been quick to love and when I love, I give my everything. I remember being around 19 years old, feeling heartbroken and disappointed yet again by some guy who wasn’t man enough to be what I needed in a partner (or whatever that looked like to my 19 year old self).

Each time this happened, it pushed me to build what I wanted and be dependent on no one for anything. I got stronger every single time. My skin got thicker and it was at that age that I first fell in love with this quote:

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber