We All Need A Reminder
Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that it's all going to be worth it. Even if no one else believes it. Even if you feel like you're in it alone. Remind yourself it is YOUR life. YOUR dream. No one else will ever build it for you. And the quicker you realize...
Quit Trying To Fit Me In A Box
Dear Friends, Family, Acquaintances, Everyone: QUIT TRYING TO FIT ME INTO A BOX. First off, for those of you who support me, THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for the love, the encouraging words, all of the likes, comments, and shares. It truly means...
Don’t Hide Your Passion
If you're one of those people who strut around with your chest puffed out proclaiming; "I don't have a care in the world". You'll instantly lose my attention. What a cowardly thing to do, to just NOT care. Which is absolute bullshit, by the way. You DO care about...
This Little Light Of Mine
Last week, I had some really deep realizations. I think that is what happens when you go down the rabbit hole of self discovery. Some people will surprise you. And some will not. Either way, it may make you question who you are... even if just for a second. Just make...
Better Men
To all of my friends who are waking up everyday, putting in the work to be better men: Immediately responding to someone asking a question or sharing their opinion with your "snowflake" related comment is actually doing the exact opposite. It does not make you funny....
April Already?!
I woke up Saturday morning and realized it was already April.
I mean, obviously I KNEW it was already April but it was like my eyes clicked open Saturday and I instantly thought “How are we already 3 months into 2017?”
You see, I’ve been making moves these past few months. Big moves.
My Photo on the Refrigerator
I keep this photo on my refrigerator door so I see it every day. Not because that’s my goal body like most people would assume. (It’s pre-boob job and pre-squat for the booty so no, trust me it's not my goal body) I keep it there as a reminder of when I first got a...
Love What You Do
Let me tell you a story real quick. This is a conversation I had the other day... "Jamie, what are you working on right now?" 'Oh you know, just business stuff' "Ya, but like what?" --takes a deep breath-- 'Ummm writing a new copy for my website because I'm not just a...
Sundays – When I Plan My Week
Planning the week out on Sundays guarantees that I have a successful week
Quit Apologizing For Nothing
How often do you find yourself saying "Oh, I'm sorry" for no reason at all. You have nothing to be apologizing for but for some reason our reaction when we make someone uncomfortable is to say "I'm sorry" BUT I think it does even deeper than that. Are we playing down...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber