Intentional Action

Intentional Action

THE UGLY TRUTH AROUND ALL THOSE SELF-HELP PRODUCTIVITY GURU BOOKS... I do not believe that there is a “one way guide” to planning and being organized. No offense to the people who’ve made millions of dollars writing books and creating methods of play by plays on how...

Switching Things Up

Switching Things Up

I HAVE A TAN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2 YEARS. And it wasn't sprayed on.. I've gotten more vitamin D in the past 3 weeks than I have in 2 years. What does that matter? Well, last summer I was rocking the total ghost pale skin tone all the way through the end of the...



Discipline. Nobody likes that word. You either tune out the moment you hear it, or you swear you have it. The truth is most if us don’t... there's no reason to lie about it. The even bigger truth is that it's absolutely NECESSARY to create success. Yep. Sorry to burst...



Wednesday I booked a flight. Thursday I jumped on a plane. I landed in Vegas without much of a plan. I knew I needed to drive to some small town in the middle of the desert by Friday morning but that's it. That's all I knew. I didn't know a time. I didn't know the...

One of the Guys

One of the Guys

ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GUYS …. I can feel the eye rolls from here but hear my out... I quit saying that phrase a long time ago because I know what everyone automatically assumes when I say it... Ya know, because everyone is exactly the same and because society told you...

Build Your Empire

Build Your Empire

“Build Your Empire”... WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?? I say it a lot, I’m not going to lie. But I was just thinking about it today and I wonder if anyone actually knows what it means. It’s thrown around... A LOT. Like “hustle” and “authentic”, it’s become a super sexy...



That's it... I need an UPGRADE. I need more people in my life that are actually DOING SHIT, not just talking about it. I feel like I have 20 conversations everyday where someone tells me what they "need to do" or meant to do. And it's like an instant downer for me....

Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

I never liked working out, not at all. But I still went. I've been going at least 3 times every week for a year now. Why? Because I made a commitment to myself to take better care of my body. I made a commitment to do whatever was necessary to FEEL better. Looking...



“YOU DIDN’T JUST WANT ATTENTION! YOU WERE JUST BEING YOU!” I was having a conversation with a long time friend who's on his own journey of self-reflection and growth. A friend who is learning to get real with himself and turn shit around in his life. After talking...

Sharing My Message

Sharing My Message

"Where do you come up with this stuff?" I've been asked this several times in regards to my posts, coffee thoughts, videos, etc. Some people sit down and come up with their content for an entire month. They plan it out, write everything at once and then schedule to...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber