Do the Work
It's Sunday. I'm outta town. Woke up feeling pretty lazy. Last thing I wanted to do was train but I knew I needed to get it in. I could hear my trainers voice in my head, I could hear that super badass version of myself in my head saying "you want that body". The...
Connection Doesn’t Know Time
Connection doesn’t know time. Experience doesn’t recognize time. Your soul doesn’t care about time. It connects when it’s meant to connect. It loves when it’s meant to love. It draws you to an experience because it needs it. Your soul knows what you need better than...
Hopeless Romance. Sometimes I tell myself it's silly. That I'm totally ridiculous to be this strong, independent, forward thinking woman and still get flutters in my heart when I think of what might be my happy ending. Happy ending. Doesn't that sound silly? I mean,...
Big Fat Confession Time: I've been drowning. These past 10 days, I have felt like I've been fighting to keep my head above water. It's like no matter what I plan or do, my head just has NOT been in the game, at all. Maybe for a few hours of the day but not my normal,...
People Love Drama
PEOPLE LOVE DRAMA. Chances are, you're creating your own right now. Here’s the deal… our brain is pretty amazing. It has a way of knowing what we need and when we need it. We obviously CAN choose to follow instinct or make a different choice. But instinctually, our...
I was in 8th grade. Social studies class. It was about time for us to switch classes and instead the teacher got a call. He quickly stood up, closed the shades on all the windows and locked the door to our classroom. No one knew what was going on. We just sat there....
Love Bravely
As I switched to the new month on my calendar a few days ago I saw these words "LOVE BRAVELY" and they stopped me dead in my tracks. What a truly accurate statement that is. It's the encouragement that everyone should be given when it comes to loving. Love Bravely....
Sunday mornings have always been special to me. The vibe is different. It’s always fun and calm and effortless. This morning I was walking around the house doing random tasks. Putting dishes away, switching around laundry, making coffee, aimlessly walking around out...
My Most Important Tool
As you know, I’m all about getting shit done and maximizing your performance. Yes, we can talk about strategies and plans and procedures to get you there. BUT here’s the thing, one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do to be a high performer and an overall HAPPIER person, is take control of how you spend your mornings. Yep, you guessed it… you need to nail down a Morning Routine!
Back to Basics
Seriously. Stop it. Now.
You’re screwing yourself over with that nonsense. Yes, all things building a business takes work, A LOT of work in fact. And Yes, bettering yourself is a journey that also takes consistent work. BUT the thing is, it will ALWAYS come down to the basics…
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber