

"We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection with nature, we have actually lost our connection to ourselves." -Andy Goldsworthy A couple of months ago I made a promise to myself to spend...



I get asked a lot “How do you stay so motivated?” Well the truth is, I don’t. Motivation has nothing to do with it. I don’t wake up everyday motivated to work my ass off. I don’t want to do all the things on my list, hit the gym, and eat the veggies instead of the...

Healthy Weight

Healthy Weight

Yesterday I weighed in at 130.8 and screamed with excitement. You see, 2 years ago I started this journey to healthy and 130 was my ideal "healthy weight" but I wanted to build it on. Not like I really had any choice in the matter. I always hovered around 117-119 my...

Start Choosing Love

Start Choosing Love

People die unexpectedly every day. People who were perfectly healthy yesterday drop dead with no warning. It makes me a little nauseous just thinking about it sometimes but it's the truth. What if someone you thought you had more time with turns out to be one of those...

The Value of Time

The Value of Time

I'm not a Mom to human babies so sometimes women are quick to tell me "You can't help me fix my schedule, you just don't understand". And they are right, I do not have 2 legged children who can walk and talk and that I have to take with me everywhere I go BUT I've...



My dog had a major surgery last Friday (Mac, the big pitbull one). His rehab consists of him not walking, except short 5 minute leashed walks to potty a couple of times a day. So basically he has to sit still... all day... and night... for 4 weeks. Um, he's only 3 and...

Be Mindful of Your Vibe

Be Mindful of Your Vibe

Be mindful of your vibe. I met my friend Jordan for breakfast this morning at my favorite spot. This has quickly become our "thing" because well, breakfast is delicious and it's an easier time for him and I to make work with our crazy schedules. We were sitting across...

The Brain…

The Brain…

The brain is an interesting thing. It's funny how everything is good, You can be kicking ass all day long, accomplishing everything you set out to do, make awesome connections, have a killer work out, make big break through with clients, have a good hair day, eat...

Every Day Matters

Every Day Matters

It's funny how one day can hold so many highs and so many lows. How you can have the best morning, have good conversations, and have exciting things happen but then have an utterly trying afternoon. One that makes you want to crawl under a hole. This morning I was...

from me to you

I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.

-Jamie Thurber