Be The Change
Sometimes I wonder if you’ve ever done to her what you did to me. When the doors are shut and there’s no one around and you have no one else to take your anger out on. Do you turn to her like you did to me? Then I think, if you haven’t...when will you? I mean, it’s...
We love chaos. Point blank. End of story. We’ve been taught that running around crazy means you're busy. Busy means you're successful. Successful means that you have so much going on that chaos is a given. Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Just because that’s what the...
Get Clear
This picture was taken almost 4 years ago, which seems insane when I really think about it. But I remember when I first posted it. I was so proud. This shoot was so very well planned and every shot was thought out. Believe it or not, a lot of these poses aren't easy...
Your Own Power
Once upon a time I was dating this guy who said to me, “Once you realize how powerful you are, you're going to be unstoppable.” I took a screenshot of the text because I remember it being “so inspiring” at the time. I ran across the photo of that text the other day...
Shine Light
I was asked to speak about living intentionally and fitting exercise into your life on a podcast today and I got to share my own fitness journey in the process... SO BLESSED! It's amazing to be able to shine light on overall wellness and changing your life. No, I'm...
Observations and Impostors
When you're the kind of person that observes everything and really SEES... it can be very bittersweet. Bittersweet because you see things you didn't really want to see. And once you've seen behind the curtain, you can't unsee it. Lies spoken to the masses in a cloud...
10 hours in the car, lots to unpack and put away before jumping into a little work before I can finally go to bed after what feels like the longest day ever. I knew I barely had anything in the fridge because I was gone for 10 days so I cleaned it out before I left. I...
Gathering Bones
I went into my trip feeling cloudy and physically weak, exhausted and almost numb mentally. It was like I had been doing what needed to be done every day, I was connecting with my clients and helping them grow but I was just standing there. Over Analyzing everything...
I’m Not The Standard
Nothing I do makes sense, well I mean it doesn’t “mesh” or fit according to the standard “what makes a woman great” memo that the world has been handed. I tend to leave people scratching their heads, unsure what I just said or did. Unable to truly understand the...
Real talk: I’m nauseous constantly. I wake up nauseous and have to literally talk myself out of puking every morning. Thank God I’m as mentally strong as I am. Until about a year ago I DID actually puke every morning because I woke up with my blood sugar so out of...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber