What If You Just Did It Anyway?
So many people ask me how I get motivated to write, or go to the gym, or do my work even though I really don't have anyone to answer to but myself. And the answer is, I'm not always motivated. I don't always want to. It's not always convenient or exciting. But I do it...
“I used to think it was some extravagant thing, but now I realize it’s just your life.” I was talking with a client earlier this week about how her lifestyle has been shifting. Her perspective has changed and she now looks at life very different than she used to. She...
Control What You Can Control
Control what you can control. One of the biggest lessons I've learned over the past few years was to stop letting shit that was out of my control upset me. It's not an easy switch to make but it's one that will literally set you free. You see, you can't control other...
Investing in Yourself
13 coaches hired and close to $90,000 spent. Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition, Life, & Energy Coaches. Intuitive healers. Energy readings. Personal Trainers. Money Mindset sessions. Meditation training. I started investing in coaching before I was making...
Time Alone
The past few years I've spent the majority of my time alone. A lot of it by choice, a lot of it simply because I refuse to “fill" my space just for the sake of filling it. The past few summers it feels like I'm either spending the weekends traveling, surrounded by...
"You are such an amazing example of a fierce, gentle leader". I received that comment in a message the other day and I am so in love with that statement. You see, a few years ago I made a massive commitment to myself that I would never be fake. That I would show up...
The Gym
I remember a time when going to the gym was the last thing I ever wanted to do. When cancelling a training session was always an option when my day was going bad or I wasn't feeling well. Oh how things have changed... Now, the worse the day, the worse I feel, the more...
Originally Published May 28, 2018 “I know, I know... My life is so glamorous”... I’ve caught myself saying this a few times lately, sort of poking fun at myself as I’m conducting my daily life… you know meal prepping or spending my holiday weekend working and...
Guys... she doesn't know unless you tell her. That thing you wish she would do or the fact that it makes you sad if she leaves the house and doesn't kiss you, she doesn't know. Open up your mouth and tell her. Say the words. Because I promise you, she doesn't know....
How I Start My Day
What do you start your day with each morning? Me? >Puppy snuggles because they make my heart happy and once the day gets going, I don't always have a chance to stop and snuggle them when they want it. >Journaling to clear my mind and get my creativity flowing....
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber