You Are Not An Island
You are not an island. Feeling that way is a choice. A choice that is ultimately yours to make but in the grand scheme of things isn't going to get you anywhere... besides digging yourself deeper into your own hole. Open your eyes, I bet there is someone standing...
SURRENDER. It’s something that was brought to my attention about a year ago. Let go of the “how”. Quit constantly looking for the thing that you’re looking for and instead focus inward, have faith that the universe has your back and be open to receive. Easy peasy...
Let’s Talk About Pooping…
Okay, let’s talk about pooping. Yep, you read that right but it’s not what you think. I’m not going to talk to you about how your diet effects your bowel movements or try to tell you about the latest cleanse. What I’m wanting to talk about is the amount of time people...
Are You Existing? Or Are You Living?
"Stop existing and Start living". I just saw this and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Think about that for a minute... Are you existing? Or Are you living? EXISTING would probably go something like this: dreading waking up each morning, rushing through your morning...
Down 11 Pounds
First picture, I'm standing at 128 lbs and feeling excellent. I hadn't been lifting consistency but my nutrition was pretty solid. Second picture, I'm down 11 lbs... Most of which was probably muscle but that's just an assumption. This loss was not on purpose. Not...
I Choose You
"I choose you". A friend and I were having a conversation today and this came up and it instantly became so apparent to me that people do not put enough emphasis on that statement. Sure we love each other and that's great and it can be powerful but what about the fact...
I prayed the rosary today for the first time in 10 years. Yep, the entire thing, all 5 decades. The joyful mysteries. On my Grandma's rosary that she prayed with every night, using the guide book she used. Those items have been sitting in my night stand drawer since...
Unconditional Love
I got really used to making no sense to anyone a really long time ago but I would never had fathomed having to stand up and fight... well, SHINE, as strong and as bright as I can to prove that I'm not going anywhere, that I'm confident in the deeply clear messages...
It’s Been Four Years
It's been four years since I followed that voice inside of me and left the body shop. I walked away from something I loved but something that had taken over my life in a way that was so unhealthy and filled it with toxicity that I couldn't see straight. I will never...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber