Helping People
I can’t remember the exact last moment that I realized the frustration I was feeling from this specific instance or recurring question was absolutely a truth and absolutely a result of my own actions (as all results tend to be) but I do remember that it shifted...
Workout Consistency
Truth is, I know the right way to stand to look the most flattering in a photo. I know the angles and what works best for my frame. So, when I started taking the daily progress photo for the #75Hard challenge it was a bit off-putting at first. Like "whoa, that's...
During the weeks approaching the new year, there is a lot of pressure out there to make the right choice when it comes to goals. It seems like the majority is saying that if you don’t make massive goals then you’re not going to achieve any growth and/or success. The...
It's in the moments. The moments between the noise. The moments right before you make a choice. The moments directly after. The moment you feel before you see. The moment you trust without seeing. The moments you know the truth. The moments you feel the universe. The...
75 Hard Challenge
I’ve contemplated doing this silently for a while. I’ve started it several times and barely made it a week without missing something on the list... but nobody knew so it was okay. Bullshit. I knew. I knew that I missed a mark and started over day after day. At first,...
My Family
While driving home from my overly large family gathering on Christmas Eve I was filled with such joy, such knowing, and such belonging... a very rooted feeling. I started thinking about our history. About where my gigantic family started and about the amazing humans...
Fun Fact!
Fun fact... I've watched watched every BBC nature documentary over 30 times. I have been watching them for years. As a result I know a very large amount of strange facts about this planet and the creatures, mountains, seas, rivers, plains, sky, etc. I guess I should...
These Women Are Everywhere
"These women are everywhere. They are our neighbors, our friends, our sisters, our co-workers, our cousins. They have no use for our advice or opinions. Their wombs are their own. Let’s respect that." If I had a dollar for every time I have been given pity or...
Finding Peace
One of the hardest things to find peace with is knowing that someone you love is passing judgement on you based off false information or a version of you that you've evolved past years and years ago. I seem to find this most with families, extended family to be exact....
Being Present
You owe it to yourself... and everyone else in your life. In a world where we’re always connected and plugged in, being present is something we really need to make a priority. In episode 4 of my podcast we go deeper into the conversation of how to...
from me to you
I started writing these pages long before I knew what my life really could be. Maybe I’ve written it into existence, maybe I haven’t…either way this is a collection of my life. All of the stages and everything along the way. Thank you for following along.
-Jamie Thurber