2016 was about Conquering and Discovery.
2017 is about Shining and Consistency.
To me, shining means staying centered in me, in my purpose and my message. Shining means following my instincts, sharing my story, sharing my wins, sharing my struggles, sharing everything. Staying true to who I am and standing strong in that spot is what shining means to me. Being a guiding light for others. Shining through their fog and helping them make their way through the storm. That is the key to fulfill my purpose here on this earth.
Consistency is a struggle for every one. Its a key component in all things that lead to success (whatever that looks like to you). Consistency every single day will be what makes me achieve every goal I set. Consistency will open every door I’m meant to walk through. Consistency will help me become the person I need to be to recieve the abundance I seek. Consistency will deliver it all.
I picked these 2 key focus words for the new year a few weeks ago and just wanted to share. Having those empowering words to guide your mission throughout the whole year is a good way to keep you on track <3
What words can you use to set the tone for where you’re wanting to go this year?