Sometimes we get so caught up in all the moving parts that our lives possess that we fail to hear, see, and experience the simple most beautiful aspects of life.

The morning I recorded our latest podcast episode I was reminded that the nudges that we feel or sense within us are things that not only need to not be ignored but also are so so so powerful. 

Yes- I said powerful.

You see, when you realize that there is this thing inside of you that is available as a guide, like a real guide that will tell you and show you things better than any outside source then you’ll start tapping into something that really FEELS like magic.

Those nudges mixed with the presence we create to hear them can set you free.

Free from a space where you may be wrapped up in responsibilities, or seeking approval, or always looking to an outside source for more energy, more information, more of <insert whatever it is you’re looking for>. In that space of freedom you get to start taking control. You get to start harnessing the power that you already have and the power that truly is just a choice a way.

A mindful choice to jump around, or breathe, or stand up and how that one simple thing can quite literally alter your state of mind and energy level SO much that things instantly shift and your vibrancy is turned UP like whoa!

In episode 56 of my Lifestyle Creation Podcast, I share some knowings and experiences with you that my hope is it will encourage you to start creating some of this beautiful, freeing, simple space for yourself too. A space where you can feel and harness more of that confident and calm power that you already possess, the kind that I wish for everyone.

I hope you enjoy these episodes as much as I enjoy recording them for you. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts, please comment on this post here and share with me!

Have an incredible rest of your day.

Oh! And if you want to make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe here to receive episodes every two weeks, and sharings from my soul to your inbox from time to time as well. 

Thank you for being here.


pinterest pin; how to harness your personal power

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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