Ya know what’s cool? When I can help my clients set up all of the admin, behind the scenes systems, and basically anything they need for their business to run smoothly and efficiently because I’ve done it too.

Before I had an assistant, I did it all myself. I took the webinars. I paid for trainings. I built it all myself at one point. I tweaked it along the way too so I have several options to suggest depending on what my client is looking to create.

And before I was full time building this business, I built other peoples businesses. Every department. Every level. All of the things. In the auto body industry, automotive repair, towing, event planning, landscaping construction, transportation, risk management, property damage assessment, claims management, promotional marketing… I think that covers most of it.

Anyway, I think you get my drift. It’s so cool to be able to look back to 14 years of experience archives to pull different systems, tips, and tricks to help my clients with basically any situation they present to me. And if I don’t know, I usually can find them someone who does.

I truly enjoy being able to be that kind of resource. Streamlining someone’s path for them is always the goal. That’s the easy stuff, it’s the mindset work that I love the most but I can’t play down this part either.

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about a new area of her business and after giving her a list of ways to reduce her touches, set up automated systems, and put it all in routine followed by some advice on how to use essential oils, and get the most of each move in her workout she looked at me like I had 3 heads.

I was like; “what?!”

To which she replied; “You’re literally like a one stop shop, you know that?”

After she said that I thought about it and I kinda am actually. I guess I just never really said that because I thought it sounded pompous or something but fuck that. I AM a one stop shop for my clients and I’m damn proud of that fact so from here on out I choose to publicly own that because it’s boastful if it’s the truth.

The best part? I use all of that to empower my clients so they’re set for success too.