A couple of years ago someone asked me what brought me joy and honestly, I froze. I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t sure how to answer that question at all.
I mean, my business brought me joy, my clients made me happy, my successes we’re great but actual JOY? I was fresh out of ideas.
So, I started down this path of seeking job in all of the little moments that occur. Mix that with gratitude and it’s proving to be a very rewarding experience to create.
So I ask you, how much are you leaving on the table without joy?
The truth is, probably a LOT.
When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we fail to notice the little things, we don’t see as much of the good that is surrounding us and instead the negative gets louder and the problem solving becomes the main focus.
But does it have to be that way?
Is that actually serving you? Or holding you back?
Last week I recorded an episode for the Lifestyle Creation podcast, 015: Finding the Joy, about what it can mean to truly allow yourself to start not only experiencing joy but allowing it to show up all over the place. And with no strings attached at that.
Dive in with me on this short but sweet conversation around how you can start finding joy in your life now and how it can drastically change your life and ultimately increase your success. https://wavve.link/OmpV2H1s
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