“Romance your creativity”. I remember the first time I heard this concept several years ago. I was reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert for the first time (yes, I’ve read/listened to that book well over 30 times. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do) and I realized I had been doing that without really knowing it.

I would light a candle, put on the right music, and sit down with a great cup of coffee. The vibe was right and I’d totally get into the zone. I even did this when I was in my 9-5 when I really needed to concentrate in on a project.

After hearing what Liz said in Big Magic, I made the choice to step it up a notch by inserting a shitload of intentional living into the mix.

Now when I need to have a killer creative session, I get dressed up. I always get dressed, do my hair, and put on make up but on days I want to create I do more, almost like I’m going to be recording or doing photos.

I choose a cute, comfy top and warm comfortable pants. Top it off with fuzzy socks. I make sure I’m full, light my candles, grab my water and coffee, clear my mind with a little meditation or brain dump journaling session, put on my favorite “background music” playlist and get into the zone!

Do I do this every day? No I. But most days, yes. I choose to romance the fuck out of my creativity. I choose to set the mood for myself to enjoy my day, calls, writing, whatever is on the agenda.

It clears SO much space and allows so much flow to arrive and come through me into my work, out of my mouth, and through my fingers onto the paper.

So if you’re just not feeling inspired or having a hard time getting in the zone to create or simply do your work in general… try romancing yourself and see what happens.

You might be pleasantly surprised!