I was asked to speak about living intentionally and fitting exercise into your life on a podcast today and I got to share my own fitness journey in the process… SO BLESSED!
It’s amazing to be able to shine light on overall wellness and changing your life. No, I’m not a personal trainer or a nutritionist but I am the other piece of that journey. The mindset, the planning, the focus, the habits, creating all of that takes intention mixed with action and it also just happens to be MY JAM.
The coolest part was sharing my own personal story and being able to shine the light on the other side of the coin as far as body shaming goes. It still remains a subject that is not spoken about enough.
But being recognized for the work I’ve been put in building my body into something that is exactly that; BUILT, strong, and powerful was an incredible honor that is new to me.
It felt good to talk about this topic and was a great reminder that I have literally CREATED THIS LIFE.
Just feeling so freaking blessed today and wanted to share the love out into the world