Be Grateful for Your Health
If you’re healthy, please be grateful for that.
If you feel well, and physically capable most days, or all days, PLEASE be grateful for that.

I wouldn’t wish the INABILITY to function in the normal day to day in the way a body is supposed to on anyone.
It’s easy to preach your “do the work” and “consistency” and “if you want it bad enough, you’ll make it happen” .
And unless you’ve been met with real, harsh, limitations that no one can forsee and no one can seem to fix or figure out- then those words you’re spewing aimlessly are bullshit to people who do everything right yet never get to the wellbeing you had to begin with.
Keep that in mind when you’re saying what you’re saying to the masses as if it is the be-all-end-all truth because honey- its not. And I really want more people to take a moment to realize that- and find some compassion.
I’ve done the work. For years and still do every single day.
I’m more consistent than most anyone I’ve ever met and most who know me will say the same.
I want to be WELL so badly and do everything “right” and it still doesn’t get me to the other side.
All I’m asking is that you watch your words…and more importantly- watch your judgements because some people probably work harder than you at being well and still have their body say “NOPE- not today” and shut them down.
As someone who’s had a version of this happening to her body since 2nd grade- I can’t begin to explain the mental fortitude it takes to live and succeed with physical limitations that no one can see, fix, or figure out.
Will I stop trying? Of course not.
Am I angry that I have to navigate this? Yes.
It gets old. And somehow I’m able to stay positive like 95% of the time but when that 5% comes in, it’s big and it takes a toll.
Jamie Thurber
Life & business coach
Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away. I appreciate you being here.My Lifestyle Blog
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