I’ve said this in conversations several times over the past week or so when coming across busy business owners who are trying to also manage life and feeling a little crazy along the way.
Because friends let me tell you – it’s often a wild ride when you’re building a business.
And then today it happened to me- I had a great morning. Then a great call with my first client of the day. After which I checked my email and had two amazing emails with new clients signing up (YAY!)

I was eating all my meals, swinging through my tasks, life was good. I was excited as hell.
Then que time to head out to the doc for my spine treatment, then to the gym. But I was rushing when I left, and blocked in so I took the big Jeep – It’s a beautiful day right? So a great day for the cruiser.
Ya until I spilled my water everywhere. Then realized I forgot my shoes.
No big deal though – I can change that mood around – no sweat.
Then I get 2 messages reporting that profile that stole my identity.
Again. It’s happened so many times but this one was worse-
They took FAMILY photos (somehow- because they were set to private-friends only).
My heart sank. MY FAMILY. My dogs. My brother who really does not like social media- and his KIDS and wife.
I’m still mortified.
So I knew I had to post about it to get as many people to report the account as possible so I could get it taken down. Even though I was embarrassed and felt HORRIBLE that this had happened with other peoples faces other than my own.
Here’s the trigger for me –
It’s one thing that I have chosen to live my life publicly and I am very respectful of the fact that other people don’t agree with how I run my business/life and they don’t want their faces public.
I’m so aware of this and so mindful of it.
Like Tony for example- he is famous in his own right- his face already IS everywhere so he’s okay with it being in my things BUT he does not want the details of his life posted – so I don’t.
And then this stranger steals my family photos, my PRIVATE family photos. Photos of my sick and dying dog and share them as their own.
It’s such a violation – but one that I almost can’t be too mad about for myself because I put myself out there so much. But I can be mad and upset that due to my choices- my family was used this way too.
And that is not cool.
That rubs up against a lot of insecurites and triggers for me.
ya know, the crazy one who posts too much…..
It also pokes the rage I feel when that horrible “rule” our society places on women who are simply expressing themselves and trying to be who they are and in my case, do good in this world – where we are told that we are asking for it.
Like that though going through my head makes me want to puke. That I almost accept this happening to me because the narrative we are taught as little girls is “well- you were probably asking for it”
Ugh- see. Low. Low.
Life is a roller coaster sometimes. and it’s not always lovely but here we are- livin it.
So as I end this day I choose to release the narratives and guilt. I choose to let go of what I can not control (I’ve documented everything and reported it to the authorities) and I choose to sit here in large amounts of gratitude for the way this day started, gratitude for two new clients, gratitude for a partner that supports me, gratitude for friends and family who have my back, and gratitude for this little snorty puppy curled up in my back who reminds me of what’s most important in life.
Have a great evening friends. Here’s to another day
Jamie Thurber
Life & business coach
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