I put my exes up on pedestals..just to have my expectations knock ’em off.

It took me falling for you, to finally learn that:
Soulmates aren’t found, they’re made!!!
Yeah, we choose each other every day
Even when we bend we know we won’t break
We just bounce back better ’cause
Soulmates aren’t found, they’re forged in the same fire
Work at it even when we get tired
Making ups out of downs, doing all that it takes
‘Cause soulmates aren’t found, they’re made♡”
<Sung by Spencer Crandall. Songwriters: Andrew Beason / Ian McConnell / Jeff Cherry / Spencer Crandall>
This song is everything.
I quite literally couldn’t have said it better myself.
(I’ve said such similar things in conversations ans trainings for years.)
You want an amazing relationship?
It takes work.
From two people.
100% from both.
And our relationship and the other person comes second to our own needs. That wasn’t the way we tried to do things and guess what? It didn’t work the other way. Someone was always “sacrificing” and that causes hidden resentments.
Sure, we always have each other in mind when making choices and are very thoughtful about how our own moves will impact the other…AND we make sure we’re doing what we need to do to be WHOLE without each other. Which is what allows us to honor that “self love need” for the other.
It’s really a messy ass dance of communication and compassion.
And man am I glad to get to dance it with this monster man.
Jamie Thurber
Life & business coach
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