The lessons I learned from this horse are still being integrated into my bones even almost a year later.

You see, I believe that when you’re doing deep work- it’s important not to rush it, not to move onto “the next thing” too quickly

Because integration is important.

Integration is where the work sinks in, where it gets to last, where it ACTUALLY changes you for more than just the moment, day, or weekend retreat.

And I don’t know about you but I’m not here to half ass the deep work. I’m here to stand in it, work it, and let it seep into my cells to be the medicine it was intended to be in the first place.

Don’t let those big “ah-ha” moments or break-throughs fizzle out when the next minute comes… get serious about making them last.

Hire someone to help you integrate,
Someone to make that excavating you did into your soul stick.

That’s a piece of the recipe you might just be missing.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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