Sometimes it seems surreal… this life. How did I build this thing with no “walls”? With no product you can hold in your hand?
The fact that I built a client base filled with people from around the world that I’ve never met in real life feels a little insane… Or at least it used to. The only time I realize how different that is is when I see it on other peoples faces when they ask me about my business.

Recently I had someone say to me… “that’s impressive.”
Which really threw me off for a minute…. I guess that really IS impressive, huh? Who woulda thought?
Maybe it’s the drive to be more, maybe it’s the vision that’s so much bigger than this, or maybe it’s the pressure of the inter-webs that tells me this isn’t enough… I’m not sure but I can tell you that for a long while I didn’t really realize how impressive this really is.
I created something out of my brain.
Simply from my knowledge and experience and sheer will to help people.
And it works.
It’s been working for over 8 years. It’s helped hundreds of people. It’s grown and morphed and continues to do so as I change and my clients evolve. Back to the opening statement here, Is this real life though?
10 years ago, I didn’t know this was possible.
Hell, 10 years ago it might not have been possible, who knows. But let’s not dwell on that part, let’s shine some light on the big juicy point here and that is the fact that you really can create whatever you want.
It takes work ethic, the ability to bob and weave, and someone just crazy enough to ride the minute to minute emotional rollercoaster that sometimes is building your own business and then waking up the next morning eager and ready to do it all over again.
It takes not having a second option.
No back up plan.
No plan b.
This is it. This will be whatever I am led to have it be, it will morph as needed but the foundation and integrity remains the same. And that’s why it works. That’s why it keeps working and that is why this won’t ever crumble around me.
The foundation has been my biggest focus, always.
The sustainability.
The way it fits into what is right for ME.
And what I know I have to offer to the world.
In my experience, the foundation needs to be the most important part, because without that… you’re a house of cards just sitting in anx waiting for that strong wind that might hit just right and cause everything to fall around you.
That struggle? that’s not necessary. That’s a choice and it usually comes from putting focus in the wrong place. The quick game isn’t the way to build. It leads to a house of cards.
Which would you prefer? A strong house you build on and know will withstand all of the storms?
Or one that looks great quickly but could fall at any moment?
If you’re more of a house to weather the storms kinda person, let’s talk. I’d like to help you with that.
If you’re ready to have a guide on your own journey of building (or simply strengthening) your own house- I have space for a new client right now. Reach out and we can have a conversation, no strings attached.
Jamie Thurber
Life & business coach
Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away. I appreciate you being here.My Lifestyle Blog
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