I feel like you can tell if someone’s being genuine when they allow you to see them vulnerable.

I think most of the time when people allow you to see them that way, it’s not premeditated… Especially not online.

It’s the genuine human-ness that shines through in those moments that my soul relates to the most.

It’s in the human moments that I connect the most. It’s those moments when my soul tips its hat to yours that a feeling of respect and admiration is created.

Even with people I don’t necessarily agree with or would not normally even pay a second mind to… if I see them share a human moment, I can’t help but honor that.

Because I believe that we’re lacking that here.

In our society.

You’re either victimized and put down because of your human moments, your raw things that you might not want to admit, the moments where you’re not perfect and it shows.


There is the bucket where the human moments are exploited. Exploited for the individuals gain, or for the gain of some maliced agenda.

And I really really hate both of those.

I hate them because that’s the opposite of human.

It’s in the dehumanizing of others that our society takes an evil twist, a twist that will ultimately be our demise if we’re not careful.

So I welcome you today to be as human as humans can possibly be.

Honor your flaws and the moments you might drop everything… and in the next breath honor how brilliant it is that you can get back up a moment later and continue moving forward.

Or you can sit there in the pile of things dropped and grovel if you see fit. There’s a time and place for it all.

For either – I will continue to work on strengthening my own compassion and diminishing any judgements that I was taught in this world to come to so simply without a second thought. I will keep giving that ALL of the thought until it no longer shows up, ever.

Because what else is more beautiful than a human being human in all of its glory?

Come on, you’ve got to admit….we’re pretty damn lucky to be here and to experience life on this planet the way that we do.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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