So, it’s been proven that the way you spend the first hour of your day sets the stage for the way your entire day is going to play out.

And you know that I wholeheartedly believe in that statement.

There are MANY circumstances in life that will test you.

And that’s when you reach down into the core of who you are and the power that you know you possess and you choose to shift it.

⭐️You tell yourself that you will NOT start your day in a bad vibe.

⭐️You will not allow someone else’s mood to influence yours.

⭐️You will let the frustration go because holding on to it now or talking about it is not going to bring forth the result that you want anyway.

So, you sit down, you breathe into your own power, you imagine yourself being filled with bright white light and you ground. Even as others are rumbling around in the next room, you ground.

You fill YOUR cup and you CHOOSE to vibe higher.

Is it easy?

No. Choosing to let it go and vibe higher is usually much more difficult than sinking into the frustration and coming from a place of reaction. BUT letting it go and raising your own vibration creates a ripple effect, one that everyone around you feels.

So, not only are you now serving your own needs and greater good but you’re serving those around you as well and you can allow your peace to affect their state of mind. Simply because you choose to. Because you truly ARE that powerful…. If you choose to own it.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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