There’s a time in your life where pressure can serve as a motivator, at least I know that’s been the case for me.

I would create spots where pressure would keep me on track, keep me climbing, keep me producing higher than anyone I knew. I used it to leverage myself.

Until it stopped working for good and started working as an evil. It started to stunt my focus.

I found myself frozen. Overwhelmed. Never enough. Nothing was ever enough.

I lost my power in that space of putting constant pressure on myself.

I realized after a while of being caught up in that headspace that I was doing it to myself. By being there, I stopped leading my space in the way that I know works best.

No one else knew what was happening (besides Tony because he got to see me freeze and stress), nothing was suffering besides the asshole voice in my head beating me up regularly.

You see, everything is cyclical. There will probably be another time where that pressure will be needed again and will absolutely act as a positive – it’s the power of the self-awareness to know when something’s not serving you in a moment and be able to shift. Then shift back later when that cycle comes back around.

So what did I do?

Put that shit down.

Picked back up the power that I’ve always had to run shit in a state of flow.
Turned up the dial on the skills I learned from Tony Robbins to shift my physiology so I’m approaching my days and tasks in a peak state.

And this one might throw you…but I quit planning so strictly.

You see, I find that when I get caught up in the pressure it’s because, for whatever reason, I stopped trusting in my ability to handle shit like the boss that I am. I started questioning and planning every moment because “what if you forget”…?!

Nope – that’s not how I operate.

I got this. Always.

And so do you. So if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, over-pressured, or frozen…maybe try shaking that shit off, taking a step back, and taking this different approach.

There is a lot of power in the ability to make small pivots at the perfect times you need them.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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