We have to allow ourselves the space to be sporadic at times, while also knowing that we need to give certain things a long enough shot before just jumping into something different entirely just because we haven’t given things the time to work.

For me, I’ve been working solely in my business for the last 7 years.

I’ve been using most of the same programs the entire time…and it got me thinking: 

Do I dislike the programs that I’m currently using because they’re are some that just aren’t the right fit for me anymore?

My business has evolved and grown so much in the last 7 years that some of these programs…while they’re not broken, there’s nothing wrong with them…and in saying that, what I really need and is helpful in a program/software has evolved and grown alongside my business-so taking space to really look at those things just makes sense don’t ya think?

So, ask yourself, is it broken and can I fix it? 

  • Are there parts that I’m just not utilizing, not implementing efficiently, unaware of…or do I need to look for something else that suits where I’m currently at in my life? 

This can be applied to both business and personal functions, relationships, equipment, etc.

  • Do you just need to make it more fun and get back into what you’re doing by changing it up a bit…to keep yourself from becoming complacent?

What if you’re never challenging yourself and asking yourself these questions…like, 

“Why am I still doing things this way?” 

“Could I add some excitement back in here?” 

This is the same concept that I went through when I decided to close my group coaching, Operation: Do.  It was not bringing me much joy anymore, it wasn’t really in alignment with what I really want to do…and it was keeping me in this place of complacency. 

This is about bringing back that “something” that might be missing that we are trying to replace with a new thing because we are overlooking the simple things – like, happiness, excitement, joy.

Because if YOU lose interest in what you’re doing, in what you’re creating…. Trust me when I tell you that no one else will find it interesting either. Eventually that will always bleed through. 

So what do we do? 

We check in.

We look at the updates programs have as they come through and see if those suit our needs.

We check in about what our purpose is, what we need, and what we want and we do it regularly. 

After all, the mindset work IS the maintenance work, the ability to stay curious and keep up with the maintenance our body and environment (again, personal and business) needs.

You have to allow yourself the space to feel into this – 

the more present you can be in your life…the more fulfilling your life will be.

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 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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