The client I’ve worked with the longest is in the automotive industry.

Him and I started working together when he was partial owner of a shop and acting COO. Since, he built that business to be more efficient and profitable than it had ever been, before choosing to buy a similar business and make the move to go all in on creating this legacy vision he’s seen in his mind for years.

You see- he is quite the visionary. I remember when we started working together 4+ years ago and he described this shop to me. It was unlike what the majority were doing but damn did it make sense to strive to do it that way.

Now- that vision is a living breathing reality. It’s something that’s growing and getting better every day too.

You see, I have a real gift for that industry. I know cars. I know technicians. I know customers. I know the ins and outs of insurance claims, cost, parts, vendor relationships, Mitchell, CCC, all of it.

Anything used to operate a body repair or mechanical shop and I know it.

Do I only help automotive businesses? No.
Do I have a passion for it? Absolutely.

These guys light me up. I love watching them thrive in an industry that so many don’t understand, or trust for that matter. And the people I work with are doing their best to CHANGE THAT NARRATIVE and create mechanics and body shops that the customer can in fact TRUST to take care of them and their vehicles.

Being a part of that mission means something to me.
It matters.

Hiring a coach/consultant on long term to help you build not only more success, but a better life for your own family and the people who work for you is NOT common for shop owners. In fact, most of them look at me like I’m crazy….those aren’t my people.

It’s the ones who want to do it differently-those are my guys.

Those are the ones who trust me, who know I see their vision just as strongly as they do and we’re in it for the long haul together to create just that.

Interested in working with me? I have one spot available for private 1-1 coaching. Click the banner below to fill out the short application form to work with me.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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