When this big bear wants his mama, he forces his way up into my lap no matter where I’m sitting….. all 98lbs of him, ha! But I’ll take his snuggles any day.

When my two older dogs stop me and want to crawl into my arms, my lap, or sit on my chest(Bonnie does that one) if I can spare the time, I always do. I’ll stop and love on them for as long as I can.

You see, these babies are just that, my babies. I believe their souls were sent to me for a reason and to be worthy of their love is something I take seriously.

We humans, how we get so lucky as to get the unconditional love of a dog is something I’ll never understand but something I’m constantly grateful for.

I know what it’s like to lose a dog, maybe you do too. We never get long enough time with them, they seem to always leave us too soon, and one day you’ll miss their cold nose and interruptions so remember that next time you brush them aside or yell at them simply for wanting to love you.

After all, You’re all they have.

So kiss those noses, throw that ball, rub their belly, take them for rides or walks or whatever it is they love and snuggle them when you can. But whatever you do, don’t take them for granted.

I’ll go back to letting my monster man “hold me” like he so lovingly likes to do… that is until my legs falls asleep.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

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