I was about to start this with, “around 2:00pm resistance really starts to kick in” but that would be bullshit.

The truth is, I have to counter resistance all day.

Not like all day every second, but several times a day- YES.

Resistance to respond to one single message.
Resistance to open my emails.
Resistance to put my thoughts onto paper.
Resistance to move my body.
Resistance to eat.
Resistance to make a phone call.
Resistance to doing my accounting.
Resistance to to to to to, the list goes on and on but I think you get the point.

I’m not a crazy person either. It’s not like I “can’t” or there’s anything stopping me outside of the fact that I really just fucking don’t want to do said thing.

Because guess what?

That is NORMAL.

I don’t know anyone in this world that doesn’t have to work against resistance at some point or another throughout their day. No one.

Even people who are walking through life following the same path everyday without any awareness of choice or other options are still resistant about things all of the time.

My point here is that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you, dude.

What you do with that resistance though, that matters.

Do I triumph over the urge to NOT do the things I need to do every day? Nope, sure don’t. There are plenty of times that I just don’t do it.

BUT I can tell you that 99.9% of the time when I DON’T let resistance win, I feel better. I feel better, things go better, I have more money, I have less stress, I feel less anxious, I have more time, more freedom, more anything that I want.

Because you see, that’s the difference between having a life of freedom (aka- can do what you want when you want to the majority of the time) and feeling locked down. The difference is in the percentage of time that you do the shit anyway—even when you don’t want to.

*DISCLAIMER – I no longer believe in working so hard you can’t see straight and never sleeping and hustle-grind work until you’re rich mentality. I think that’s garbage advice if you want happiness OR health for that matter.

What I do believe is that there is a balance you have to find between the two.

The balance that allows you to get shit done when you need to (and usually in less time if you do it right) and then let yourself do whatever you want to with the rest of your time.

That balance takes practice though. Daily practice. Especially if you’re like me and came from a world of 80+hour work weeks and no days off ever.

It may not seem possible but ask anyone who knew me 10 years ago and still knows me now and they’ll tell you that I’m living fucking proof of this.

Most people are SHOCKED by how I choose to live now… BUT not by the fact that it’s possible for me because that same drive they watched me use to somehow work countless hours a week, while still smiling and winning all day, when used the right way can help you do life well…..however you want.

For me that’s a job I can do anywhere that has a cell signal, enjoying my life, building a legacy, and helping people do the same for themselves. And the best part… with So. Much. Freaking. JOY

pinterest pin; How to change your mindset

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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